Privacy Policy

Privacy policy

Android and iOS Mobile App Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy governs your use of applications for native mobile applications downloaded from Google Play and the Apple App Store (herein referred to as the "application") developed by StonesART. In the application we are using background location services to make it as easy and efficient as possible for users.

Information provided by the user

The application does not collect any information provided by the user. It gives the user the opportunity to follow on the map that is integrated in the application the way to get to the monuments determined by points on the map according to each guide.

What we collect and store automatically

The application does not automatically collect and store certain information. This information is anonymous and does not identify you personally. We automatically collect and store only the following information: the impression of the guide that the user selects. and rate each guide with stars if the user wants to impress because it's their personal choice. We also store map location data to identify the stone monuments located in the application. We are fetching the user location in the background to show the best momentum near the user location. This application collects the user's location data to show the location of the monuments. With Stone Art YOUR PRIVACY IS SECURED.

We use the information we collect to count the number and type of users of the app to help us make it more useful for visitors like you.

Real-time location information

When you use the mobile application, we may use GPS technology (or other similar technology) to determine the current location of the device used to access the application, so that we can determine where it is and display a location map with relevant information . The app does not share location with others.

If you email us You do not give us any information in , you use Alpikation without creating an account in it. you just download the application and you are immediately ready to use it.

Links to other sites

Our application has no connection with other organizations or businesses. any information that is there belongs only to the application Children's privacy This application does not solicit or collect personally identifiable information from children.

Acceptance of Privacy Practices

Your continued use of our website will be deemed acceptance of our privacy and personal information practices. If you have any questions about the app, feel free to contact us at